Boy! my story is very interesting. My brothers (after months of convincing my Mom), decided to bring me home from Pennsylvania. I am Max Malhotra, a handsome Shih Tzu. I am 4 years old, stubborn, sensitive and friendly.

Doggy treats …ewww…my parents got tired of getting me many and I have never liked them… Frankly, Who would eat doggy treats, when you have a Mom who cooks delicious food. I lure my Mom from giving me homemade treats by giving a stare with my big puppy eyes and my cute actions. I love cheese. I run very fast, my parents get tired of catching me.
Only way to bring me back home, is by offering me CHEESE.
I love to sleep with my big brother Mihir and boss my little(only by dog years) brother Aarit. My favorite sports is soccer, I bet I can play better than my brothers. I love to play with balloons. I love when the house is full of my brother’s friends, they love to play with me. I love to go on walks with my Dad. He lets me go where ever I want to. My mom, dislikes it if I don't stay on one side of the street. She is a disciplinarian.

Did you know my favorite place to sit is on my parents lap. Yes, I am a spoilt brat.
Come home, play with me
I love to make new friend.Check me out
I have a beautiful family
Adorable little furball.
What a lovely dog