Renu & Bala's princess, RHWB Doggies club exec member aka The RHWB Mascot , Black beauty,

Hello everyone!... Woof!!
My name is Destiny and I am a 7year old cute Husky/Shepherd mix. I am a natural born runner with genes that help me run long and hard easily. My longest run is a 22 miler with no gels or gatorades. Just water and some treats. Till date I have done 10+ half marathons and must have run more than 3000 miles in my life.. all at a far below conversational pace! This is because of my dad who forces me to run with him and he is slow and old. Putting my modesty aside, I can easily qualify for the Boston marathon if allowed to perform at my best. I have taken part in all 7 seasons of RHWB thus far. I have gotten medals, treats and the whole nine yards. One thing that totally bewilders me, though, is when my dad does this run fast run slow thing.. I heard they call it strides or some such thing. What a lame thing that is!.. Run slow and then run slower.. OH LORD! Give me a break..
Personally I love treats & toys. I prefer my dog food garnished with yummy stuff! I am single and it appears I will remain so for the rest of my life. Kinda sad .. almost living the life of a software engineer.
Playing around in the snow .. another child's play!
I am told I am very possessive by nature. Could be true to be honest. I just don't like other dogs talking to my people. Tell me which woman likes that? I totally love my family especially my two sisters - Diya and Disha. I spend all my time looking at my mom though. Somehow it gives me immense satisfaction.
Here you go...some pics of mine for you to drool over.. I would say these pics could have been hotter if I was given some time to .. ahhhmmm do some makeup! You know what I mean...I am a girl guys! You cant just take a picture of me randomly from all angles..anyway..Whatever..
Runs, treats and an occasional bone plus being with my family ALL the time- My life is complete and I am happy! Watch this space for more! Because there are many interesting sides to me !!
Stride along Destiny! One of these days Max will want to meet you and we can all do a long run together!😉
Renu and Coach Bala’s princess is simply adorable..Such cutee pictures of Destiny…
Destiny the mascot of RHWB! You have an adorable personality and a killer bio. Some day I want to be a runner like you.