Hello Runners,
This is Dr Venkatakrishnan, from Mansfield Ohio. I am currently serving as Medical director and Internist with Mansfield VA. My wife is Dr. Vidya (who is also runner in RHWB), daughter Akshayaa and son Ajit, Toy fox terrier Freddy and kitten Benny complete our family .
I am a native of Trichy, but grew up in Chennai mostly.I completed Master's in Industrial chemistry, then pursued career in Medicine. Following that, we spent a year teaching medical students at St.George's in the Caribbean. We later moved to US and completed residency in New York. I have been practicing in Mansfield since then. I then attained Executive MBA at Ohio State University.
I had been a physically active person all along and played cricket throughout school and college. After coming to US , I switched to racquetball until Covid hit.
As far as running, I was street runner in Chennai . (My best PR was when the dogs were chasing 😀). But I was never involved in a structured program. I was inspired back to running by my wife who signed up for running with RHWB . So I started to run with her for fun.
I volunteered during the season 5 and was amazed by all the accomplishments of the runners.
It is great to be a part of RHWB as a 🏃♂️, Learning the process is a lot of fun with experienced coaches like Bala and Indu. Running has helped me with my health and personal well-being. I enjoy nature, photography, traveling, trekking and playing racquetball.
Glad to contribute as one of the physicians in the running group! Looking forward to a great season!!

Note from RHWB Management: All our RHWB doctors are extremely busy professionals in their day job. They have graciously agreed to volunteer some of their time/knowledge to help our RHWB community. They are happy to have a chat with you, and guide you as needed on any medical questions / next steps (such as referrals). Please use adequate discretion in reaching out to them. A prelim request over email or whatsapp seeking some time is recommended first step.
In case you want to connect with this Doctor, pls communicate with your Asst coach for contact details