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Sunil Robert



“If you are sitting on your laurels, you’re wearing them on the wrong part of your anatomy.” -Sunil Robert

Sunil Robert is an “accidental” runner. In that he was involved in a motorbike accident that rendered him incapacitated for years. His comeback stories are not just documented in a popular TEDx talk as well as his two best-sellers. In addition to completing the Abbott Majors in 2023, he has run some of the most popular races around the world.

“Belief” is a core aspect to Sunil’s life. As a child he would give mock running commentary, and his belief did come true when he gave radio and TV sports as an aspiring RJ and presenter. He meandered into media and journalism, and he concluded that his love affair with sports ended the day he boarded the plane to become an immigrant,

After a steep decline into obesity and borderline blood pressure, Sunil had a tryst with sport again in the USA. Through unlikely role models Sunil was inspired to get back to fitness. The only problem was that his right knee was at 20 percent of its load-bearing ability. Step by step, Sunil stayed the course and was elated when he was able to run his first mile on a treadmill. The confidence grew and soon he ran the Philadelphia half-marathon in 2010. In a moment of irrational exuberance, he signed up for the NYC marathon the following year.

Finishing the tough NYC marathon set him up on a path to pursue marathons in different cities including Chicago and soon he started nurturing the desire to complete ‘the majors” Meeting Eliud Kipchoge in Chicago after the 2014 marathon and getting his family to hang out with the elite runners is his Runner’s high point. Even though Covid 19 and subsequent global shutdown delayed his Tokyo marathon medal, he was part of the Guinness Book record attempt for the largest number of major finishers in 2023. Sunil has influenced and inspired many through his passion to transform himself and everyone around. His older son Aman ran Brooklyn Half marathon twice and his wife Prafulla, despite her arthritic knees completed a half marathon as well. His younger son Sahil a middle schooler runs 5Ks and is selected as New York Road Runners – Youth Ambassador for the year 2024.

He classifies his running into two eras. Pre RHWB and Post RHWB. While he stumbled and bumbled through the first 10 years and barely finished, in the community of RWHB he discovered the joy of finishing strong. In his 15th year, and after nearly 17 marathons Sunil recently ran two sub 5 hour marathons and he feels he can die happy now! A vagabond at heart, he is always looking to travel to a road race anywhere!



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