I viewed this MQC with a slightly different lens/perspective – it brought back memories of a similar MQC last season where a man is picking up a baby calf in the beginning but eventually is able to lift a bull as he progresses. In our running program paradigm, this progress happens slowly over the course of the entire program through controlled overload brought about by structured training. Using the same analogy in this picture, what seems like a massive immovable snowball at the beginning (race distance) will slowly begin to seem more plausible to roll (run for longer distances than we ever imagined) as our body improves through controlled overload that by the end, the transformation and training effect is such that we can easily juggle through the rigors of the eventual race. - @dhiraj
Hello fellow runners.. Happy Wednesday!! My thoughts on the MQC.
The start is always daunting. The various perceived barriers we have (busy work/daily schedule, fitness/past injury woes,not sure if I can even do this...) feel like a roadblock to begin with.But then as we start with our structured training, something somewhere clicks.
At some point in the training,One particular run 🏃♀️ becomes an inflection point and the narrative changes from "Can I?" to "I can!!!" And at that very moment the boulder shifts!!
My thoughts on MQC. Boulder or Pebble is just state of mind. Once one has made up their mind to achieve something, every stone appears the same - @Rahul R.
When you think about to start any new task it seems like a mountain, you are overwhelmed and anxious.
As you get more directions, guidance, information and you start to implement task it becomes manageable and once you have done for a while it becomes piece of cake. - @Vaishali Vakil
Every answer above has already says this in better words, but I will give it a shot anyways. Staying with the theme of the wonderful recent podcast and my personal experience.
Regardless of how big, unsurmountable, the challenge seems in the beginning, the goal becomes easier as we continuously and dedicatedly working towards it. So much so that once one has achieved it in the hind sight it seems like it wasn’t that big of a challenge as we had made it out to be.
One needs to get out of his own way to reach that though and the Key to that is consistency, dedication and discipline. 🙏🏼 - @abhishek Malwankar
If it's big, it actually is big. Saying it is small will not make the problem go away. The initial phase is the toughest. Pat yourself if you crossed the first few weeks because you won't be looking at Running the same way you did earlier. We are not the first humans to run on this Planet, we just want to recall our Superpowers. Bonus - How big is a task depends on what one wants to achieve. Running is a smaller problem to solve in comparison to the joy it provides. - @Ashish Bhardiya
What was I smoking when I signed up this so called “RHWB” ? Putting on new Running shoes, buying a new watch, signing and downloading Final Surge/Healthfit and on top of that go out running 1 mile, 2 mile….….You kidding me….!!!!! I never even ran half mile in my life nonstop……How will I do 16 weeks training…Its a damn huge Boulder to move….I cannot do this …no way…...!!!!!!!
But wait….Its Meso 2 now and Slowly but surely with time things are changing….not only did I get all set up done…I also started running …yes…1 mile non stop…then 2 miles non stop…5k, 10k…Did someone just say I can think of a HM……and wait I am also running this the right way….CP pace most time…..The boulder dosen’t look that heavy anymore…It is doable…Life is changing !!!!!!
It’s Meso 4 now and Wow …The bounder is ever shrinking and now it is size of a golf ball that I can juggle….. what was Tempo Pace before has turned to a CP now….I am even dreaming of a FM one day….
There are always 2 things while we face a problem( doesn’t matter small or big ) .
1. Lack of knowledge about that problem such as we think it is a problem because we don’t have deeper understanding on that particular subject so first to acquire the deeper understanding to acquire different ideas for the solution .
2. And once we get the different solution ideas , then we should choose the most simple+ efficient solution among all the choices - @Dipti Ray
Comes back to listening to our Gut ( that instinct energy )
Practice Grit
Receive Grace
Glory ( Success will Follow )
Task is Big or Small , Easy or Difficult
Small Steps reaps Big Changes !
Transformation Happens in increments Over Time !
Make things a Habit , Be Consistent ,
Don’t be afraid of setbacks …. When you look back over time … one would have made tons of fond memories of your own version of success ❤️ - @Radhika Goli
Everything seems like a huge undertaking before you get into it. Once you are in it (with the Sincerity, Right mindset and attitude), you realize that it’s not that difficult. Once you put your efforts to get it done, it seems like walk in the park. “Just do it” - @Moninder Bhogal
Most of the tasks look extremely difficult/impossible before you start.
They look manageable/controllable when you actually start doing the task since you gain more knowledge and skill about the task
Practise makes you perfect ( or at least better ) and over a period of time, you will find the task to be easy.
To put it in perspective, I never thought I could run 5k 1 year back but as I started this program, gradually over time, I gained confidence and now I can easily do a 10k.
Similarly, on a lighter note, I never thought I could complete my Engineering but ….
I never thought I would get a job but ..
BUT .. here is one exception …some people think they will never grow up and no matter how much they try, they actually don’t 😃 - @raghu_srinivasan
My take on the MQC is that at the onset, the goal of running the race seems like an insurmountable task and something we can’t even comprehend doing. As we start into it, it appears that we can manage the task with some difficulty, but over time what we deemed as impossible becomes a cakewalk - Jithu
What I understood from the MQC pic....getting started is the hardest part. So if I am finding it hard to motivate myself to get out and run, I should focus on just putting on my shoes and getting out of the door. Once I do that rest is easy. - Saket
I viewed this MQC with a slightly different lens/perspective – it brought back memories of a similar MQC last season where a man is picking up a baby calf in the beginning but eventually is able to lift a bull as he progresses. In our running program paradigm, this progress happens slowly over the course of the entire program through controlled overload brought about by structured training. Using the same analogy in this picture, what seems like a massive immovable snowball at the beginning (race distance) will slowly begin to seem more plausible to roll (run for longer distances than we ever imagined) as our body improves through controlled overload that by the end, the transformation and training effect is such that we can easily juggle through the rigors of the eventual race. - @dhiraj
Hello fellow runners.. Happy Wednesday!! My thoughts on the MQC.
The start is always daunting. The various perceived barriers we have (busy work/daily schedule, fitness/past injury woes,not sure if I can even do this...) feel like a roadblock to begin with.But then as we start with our structured training, something somewhere clicks.
At some point in the training,One particular run 🏃♀️ becomes an inflection point and the narrative changes from "Can I?" to "I can!!!" And at that very moment the boulder shifts!!
My thoughts on MQC. Boulder or Pebble is just state of mind. Once one has made up their mind to achieve something, every stone appears the same - @Rahul R.
When you think about to start any new task it seems like a mountain, you are overwhelmed and anxious.
As you get more directions, guidance, information and you start to implement task it becomes manageable and once you have done for a while it becomes piece of cake. - @Vaishali Vakil
Every answer above has already says this in better words, but I will give it a shot anyways. Staying with the theme of the wonderful recent podcast and my personal experience.
Regardless of how big, unsurmountable, the challenge seems in the beginning, the goal becomes easier as we continuously and dedicatedly working towards it. So much so that once one has achieved it in the hind sight it seems like it wasn’t that big of a challenge as we had made it out to be.
One needs to get out of his own way to reach that though and the Key to that is consistency, dedication and discipline. 🙏🏼 - @abhishek Malwankar
If it's big, it actually is big. Saying it is small will not make the problem go away. The initial phase is the toughest. Pat yourself if you crossed the first few weeks because you won't be looking at Running the same way you did earlier. We are not the first humans to run on this Planet, we just want to recall our Superpowers. Bonus - How big is a task depends on what one wants to achieve. Running is a smaller problem to solve in comparison to the joy it provides. - @Ashish Bhardiya
What was I smoking when I signed up this so called “RHWB” ? Putting on new Running shoes, buying a new watch, signing and downloading Final Surge/Healthfit and on top of that go out running 1 mile, 2 mile….….You kidding me….!!!!! I never even ran half mile in my life nonstop……How will I do 16 weeks training…Its a damn huge Boulder to move….I cannot do this …no way…...!!!!!!!
But wait….Its Meso 2 now and Slowly but surely with time things are changing….not only did I get all set up done…I also started running …yes…1 mile non stop…then 2 miles non stop…5k, 10k…Did someone just say I can think of a HM……and wait I am also running this the right way….CP pace most time…..The boulder dosen’t look that heavy anymore…It is doable…Life is changing !!!!!!
It’s Meso 4 now and Wow …The bounder is ever shrinking and now it is size of a golf ball that I can juggle….. what was Tempo Pace before has turned to a CP now….I am even dreaming of a FM one day….
Running has become my Life ….@Anand Dasgupta
There are always 2 things while we face a problem( doesn’t matter small or big ) .
1. Lack of knowledge about that problem such as we think it is a problem because we don’t have deeper understanding on that particular subject so first to acquire the deeper understanding to acquire different ideas for the solution .
2. And once we get the different solution ideas , then we should choose the most simple+ efficient solution among all the choices - @Dipti Ray
Any challenge you face in life is like a small pebble.
If you keep the pebble close to your eyes and over analyze, it will be like a boulder that can hide the entire world in front of you.
If you keep it at a distance and view it, you will see objectively what it is.
If you have the right attitude and skills, you will be able to toss it around and play with it. The challenge becomes trivial and fun!
It is all about perspective! - Sridhar Karimanal
Attempting is the First Step
then figuring out how to get things !
Comes back to listening to our Gut ( that instinct energy )
Practice Grit
Receive Grace
Glory ( Success will Follow )
Task is Big or Small , Easy or Difficult
Small Steps reaps Big Changes !
Transformation Happens in increments Over Time !
Make things a Habit , Be Consistent ,
Don’t be afraid of setbacks …. When you look back over time … one would have made tons of fond memories of your own version of success ❤️ - @Radhika Goli
What appears insurmountable in a short time, is easily surmountable with dedication, patience, and hard work. - @Sanjay Agarwal
Everything seems like a huge undertaking before you get into it. Once you are in it (with the Sincerity, Right mindset and attitude), you realize that it’s not that difficult. Once you put your efforts to get it done, it seems like walk in the park. “Just do it” - @Moninder Bhogal
Most of the tasks look extremely difficult/impossible before you start.
They look manageable/controllable when you actually start doing the task since you gain more knowledge and skill about the task
Practise makes you perfect ( or at least better ) and over a period of time, you will find the task to be easy.
To put it in perspective, I never thought I could run 5k 1 year back but as I started this program, gradually over time, I gained confidence and now I can easily do a 10k.
Similarly, on a lighter note, I never thought I could complete my Engineering but ….
I never thought I would get a job but ..
BUT .. here is one exception …some people think they will never grow up and no matter how much they try, they actually don’t 😃 - @raghu_srinivasan
However difficult a task is it is possible if we keep at it it starts looking small and then extremely enjoyable when we attemt it. - Kamala Sankaran
My take on the MQC is that at the onset, the goal of running the race seems like an insurmountable task and something we can’t even comprehend doing. As we start into it, it appears that we can manage the task with some difficulty, but over time what we deemed as impossible becomes a cakewalk - Jithu
What I understood from the MQC pic....getting started is the hardest part. So if I am finding it hard to motivate myself to get out and run, I should focus on just putting on my shoes and getting out of the door. Once I do that rest is easy. - Saket